Monday, May 31, 2010

Marge's Brownies

I never remember how to make these and they are my husbands favorite. This is his mothers ultimate recipe for team dinners, cast parties, family reunions or just a plain old pot luck. We called her to make sure we got them right.

Marges Brownies

Make one box of chocolate brownies, spread batter in a rectangular baking pan 
and bake to the box directions.

THEN - not before, after.... that's the tricky part... while the brownies are still piping hot...

cover hot brownies with a layer of walnuts
cover the walnuts with marshmallows
cover the marshmallows with chocolate fudge frosting

Do all of this as quickly as you can because it has to go together while everything is hot 
...the marshmallows and the frosting get all melty together...

And then you have to hide them so they don't disappear before they get where they need to go.

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Allison the Meep said...

Oh, NOM!

Dr John Peragine said...

My sister adds either homemade fudge on the bottom (under brownies) or jsut places some plain chocolate bars there.