Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lettuce Wraps with Hmong Sausage

It started with our first weekly box of produce... I was inspired by food again!
Beautiful Lettuce

Not even Mafioso Cat could resist it...

I crumbled and cooked a package of Hmong Sausage with minced onion, fresh mint, Thai Basil, Lemongrass and a can of minced Water Chestnuts for crunch.

The yummy spicy kind

It was difficult not to eat it out of the pan...

John made the sticky rice in his huot (from best buddy Mike).

Some of the other ingredients

Hmong Sausage Lettuce Wraps
1 package Hmong Sausage
1/2 minced Red Onion
1 can minced Water Chestnuts
Mint - a handful chopped
1 Cayenne Pepper minced
2 T. Thai Basil
1 T. minced Lemongrass

2 Cups prepared Sticky Rice (sweet rice steamed)

Wrap in individual leaves from 1 head Bibb Lettuce.
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